
Showing posts from April, 2014

Top 10 Impressive Jquery Plugins

Top 10 Jquery plugins, 1. Scroll Path. This plugins comes with vertical scroll, horizontal, diagnal scroll etc. Check it out here. 2. Magnified Pop Up. This Jquery will have different types of responsive dialog boxes. Pretty impressive.  Check them out here. 3.Sidr. Sidr -Creating Facebook-Like Side Menus Sidr is a new plugin that will allow you to create Facebook app like side menus. Check them out here. 4. Toddmotto. A widely  used plugin for responsive menus. Check them out here for demo. 5.OWL Carousel Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider. Check it out below 6. FancyInput Fancy Input is CSS3 text typing effects for input fields. Check it out below 7. Isotope A new Filter & Sort magical grid layouts. Check out below link for Demos. 8. Select2 Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infi

You uploaded an APK that is not zipaligned Error.

How to zipalign the .apk file in eclipse? Before we upload APK file into Google App store we need to make apk as Signed Package to make apk file zip aligned. If you upload apk file that is not zip aligned you will see below error message: "You uploaded an APK that is not zipaligned. You will need to run a zip align tool on your APK and upload it again." Here are the steps to make your app zip aligned: Step 1:   Go to Android Tools by Right clicking on respective Android Project in Project Explorer. Step 2:   Select " Export Signed Application Package " as shown Step 3: Provide Necessary  details and click in Finish button. Now your app will be Zipaligned and you can upload it to app store.

How to change Photoshop CS6 backwards writing

How to change Photoshop CS6 backwards writing? Step 1: Click on Window Step: 2: Select Paragraph option. Step 3:  In the right hand side you will see below paragraph options. Step 4: Toggle between marked positions. Thats it. ;)